Mia’s Irishman

Read the book, get the questions, and have a discussion!

Women of Worthy Series
  1. In chapter 1, Sean cared for Mia’s injuries. How was he living out his Christian faith?

Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: 1 John 3:17-18

  1. In chapter 2, do you think Sean’s worry over the woman he found was rational? What else could Sean have done?

Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Philippians 4:6-7

  1. In chapter 4, why does Sean think it was a mistake to comfort Mia when she had a bad dream?

Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: 1 Corinthians 10:13

  1. In chapter 11, how does Pam show her friendship to Mia? What do we learn about their friendship?

Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: 1 Thessalonians 5:11

  1. In chapter 15, what do Mia and Sean learn about forgiveness?

Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Colossians 3:13

  1. In chapter 16, Mia has a conversation with her brother. How does Mia recognize she has been judging Sean based on prior situations?

Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Ephesians 4:29  

  1. In chapter 19, Sean was overprotective. How could he have handled it better

Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Isaiah 41:10

  1. In chapter 27, Sean faces his fear and recognizes the truth of the situation. What must he do?

Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: John 8:32

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