Lily’s Mechanic

Read the book, get the questions, and have a discussion!

Women of Worthy Series

1. In chapter 1, how is Lily like a Proverb 31 woman? Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Proverbs 31:26-27

2. In chapter 5, was the scripture verse and explanation by Lily’s best friend enough to prompt her to return to church? Why or why not? Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Jeremiah 29:11

3. In chapter 7, how does the scripture verse relate to Lily? To Carson? Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: 2 Corinthians 6:14

4. In chapter 11, how does Carson practice helping others, specifically Lily in her time of need? Matthew 5:16 

5. In chapter 15, how do Carson and Lily deal with their worry? Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Isaiah 40:31

6. In chapter 17, the pastor talks about the mess Abraham made. What was the mess and how does it apply to Lily and Carson’s story? Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Genesis 16:2-4

7. In Chapter 18, why had Lily waffled on accepting Carson’s offer of steady employment? Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Matthew 11:28-30

8. In chapter 20, was Carson’s response to Lily requesting more time to make a decision reasonable? IF now, why not? Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Jeremiah 17:7-8

9. In chapter 25, do you think Lily had any other option than to go to New York with Carson? Read and discuss this verse in terms of the story: Proverbs 3:5–6

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